![Spirit-type Actor Sheet in SR5 v0.14.1 under FVTT v10.312](https://github.com/SR5-FoundryVTT/SR5-FoundryVTT/assets/21128724/cbeaeda1-c751-436b-b19c-f0eebc5e42b0)
The spirit actor sheet functions a lot like the [Character Actor Sheet](https://github.com/SR5-FoundryVTT/SR5-FoundryVTT/wiki/Actor-Sheets#character-actor-sheet) with a few extra features and extra limitations specific to summoned spirits. Note that it is not designed to work with exceptional/unique spirits, like Free Spirits or Ally Spirits. Those will be better served by the regular Character Actor Sheet.
- **Header** - Instead of showing an Edge tracker, spirits have a field for tracking Services in the same place.
- **Actions Tab** - No changes from the Character Actor Sheet.
- **Skills Tab**
* The Knowledge Skill section is replaced with the Spirit Configuration. * The **Summoner** is assigned and tracked through the Summoning Item workflow. * **Type** and **Force** contribute to calculating the spirits Attributes and Active Skill ratings. * There's a checkbox to record if the spirit is **Bound** or not.
- **Gear Tab** was present and worked as normal before v0.15.x, should hopefully be restored at some point ([Issue #898](https://github.com/SR5-FoundryVTT/SR5-FoundryVTT/issues/898)).
- **Matrix Tab** is not included, as spirits can't read screens, access AR, or access VR.
- **Critter Powers Tab** is always shown.
- **Spells Tab** are always shown, but only has a place for spells.
- **Bio Tab** - No changes from the Character Actor Sheet.
- **Social Tab** - Not included.
- **Effects Tab** - No changes from the Character Actor Sheet.
- **Misc Tab** - Doesn't have as many options as the Character Actor Sheet, but functions fundamentally the same.